ASSESSORS MEETING MINUTES

                                                         JANUARY 31, 2012



1:00 P.M.  Called meeting to order. Present: Richard B. Gorden, Paula B. Keefe and   

                   Mark J. Mazur.


     1.            The Board reviewed and signed the calendar 2011 performance evaluation

                   of the Administrative Assessor.


     2.            The Board agreed to make settlement offer for a pending Appellate Tax

                    Board case contingent upon an inspection of the property.


     3.           The Board signed a Tax Deferral and Recovery Agreement for the owner

                    of parcel 61-14.


     4.            The Board signed a Statement of Entry into Tax Deferral and Recovery

Agreement for the owner of parcel 59-36.



5.               The Board took the following actions on Fiscal Year 2012 personal

exemptions for the owners of the following properties:

                    Parcel #        7-3            Clause 41A   Granted

                    Parcel #        84-62        Clause 41A   Granted

                    Parcel #        51-1          Clause 41A   Granted

                    Parcel #        3-21          Clause 41A   Granted

                    Parcel #        96-4          Clause 41A   Granted

                    Parcel #        80-45        Clause 41A   Granted

                    Parcel #        128-3        Clause 41A   Granted

                    Parcel #        61-14        Clause 41A   Granted

                    Parcel #        70-170      Clause 41C   Granted

                    Parcel #        70-170      Clause 18      Granted


6.               The Board took the following actions on Fiscal Year 2012 abatement     

Applications for the following properties:

                     Parcel #       1-3                       Granted

                     Parcel #       74-12                   Granted

                     Parcel #       40-38                   Denied


1:30 P.M. Adjourned